Local Church SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization

The FIRST THING every church should do!

Local SEO is one of the most underutilized resources that can have the most oversized impact on churches. Too often, Local SEO is an after thought. Here at Mission Support, we believe it is the FIRST thing you should focus on when marketing your church. Some SEO experts only care about how much money they can make from you, but Mission Support cares about your church getting found online!

We’ll guide you through the process because we know what it takes. We are confident that our high quality search engine optimization will help take your church to the next level.

FRONT PAGE Guarantee.

After 6 months, we guarantee that we can have you on the first page of a google search for “Churches in (Your city)” or we will give you $500 back!


Investing in SEO is one of the FIRST things you should invest in when marketing your church! All churches want more first-time guests, right? Investing in SEO for your church is one of the easiest and quickest ways to help more people find your church. Click here to learn more about the value of SEO for churches.

Want to see what this looks like in real life for one of our church clients?

Click below to see a real example of how Point Church in Cary, NC saw a 246% increase in new guests after using our Mission Support SEO service!

How Local SEO Helps Your Church

When it comes to Google, just over 90 percent of searchers don’t go past the first page of results. If you’re not visible on the top page of Google, your location is invisible. You just don’t exist. Websites that are optimized for search engines receive additional traffic. As a result, an optimized website will have a larger number of visitors who may potentially visit your church.

Local church SEO has a significant impact on church growth in these modern times, as it allows you to raise your visibility among community members and visitors.

An effective local SEO campaign will help your church to rank highly for relevant keywords and phrases, like “church near me”, making it more likely that people in your community will find you when they search online.

We provide

Keyword Research

On Page SEO

Off Page SEO
Full Website Audit
Google Adwords for NonProfits Management

Google Business Management

Starting at


Get Your FREE SEO Audit

SEO Audit



Location-based searches, or “local SEO,” is what ensures your church accurately appears in relevant search results. If someone in your city is searching for a church home, you want your church to appear in the search results. Local SEO can help make this happen. Click here to learn more about Local SEO.

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