The ONLY capital campaign provider to offer a capital campaign guarantee! We guarantee you will hit our commitment projection with our proven process or half your money back! Learn more about our one of a kind guarantee.

Capital Campaigns

Most churches increase attendance faster than giving. A church capital campaign with Mission Support will shape a culture of generosity that lasts, engage many new givers and resource the vision in order for your church to advance the Gospel.

Our team will bring expertise and clarity to your team’s pursuit of that God-inspired vision.

We listen. Then we customize.

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Our Capital Campaign specialists have helped over 100 churches successfully fund their mission through a capital campaign! 100% of churches exceeded their commitment goal in real gifts over the 24 month giving period through our followup coaching.

WHY Capital Campaigns

Shape a Culture

of Generosity


New Givers


the Vision

Campaign Calculator

The rule of thumb ratio for a general calculation of what a church can expect in committed goal is when doing a Mission Support Capital Campaign is generally 2-2.5x their annual giving.

For Example:
City Church Annual Giving = $500,000
24 Month Capital Campaign Estimated Goal = $2 Million to $2.5 Million


How is the generosity of your church? No really… Most pastors think “our church is already so generous” or “our church family already gives as much as they can.” However, the reality is that on average half of families who call your church home don’t give at all over the course of a year. Whether you are looking to grow your church’s generosity, implement best giving practices or prepare for a capital campaign, a generosity audit could be a great next step.


  • One Day Onsite Visit
  • Giving Data Analysis
  • Meeting with Leadership Team
  • Identify Areas of Generosity Improvement
  • Provide Key Generosity Recommendations
  • Estimation of Donor Giving Capacity
  • Gauge Capital Campaign Potential
  • Summary Report of Generosity Audit Findings

**100% of Cost of Generosity Audit applied to cost of Capital Campaign executed within 12 months

  • Who is Generosity Audit is for
  • How it can prepare for a captial campaign
  • 100% of cost would go towards Capital Campaign
  • Sample City Church Generosity Audit
  • Sample City Church SEO Report
  • Who would benefit from Capital Campaign (Examples)
  • One Fund Method
  • Exclusive Captial Campaign Guarantee!

Generosity is a part of discipleship.

Our Capital Campaign process doesn’t just raise critical finances to fuel the mission of your church, it also helps people take a key step of discipleship. On average 34% of people who make a capital campaign pledge are new givers to your church.

The What

You want someone to listen to your vision and understand your culture. It’s your vision and your context; we do not have a one-size fits all. We identify and help your leadership team remove the obstacles that are keeping you from reaching the full potential that God has for your church.

You need experienced guides and a clear plan. Pursuing your church’s vision requires focus and commitment. Planning the work is good. We make sure you work the plan. We build implementation into the process and hold you accountable so that you stay focused.

You are not working alone in this pursuit. Your work matters. Our goal is to equip you with tools that bring the vision into reality. At Mission Support, we are focused on coaching church leaders for greater impact. If you want to reach for the next level of your own leadership, then you have found the right partner for the journey.

The Process

PHASE 1 – Assess

  • Before charting the destination, it’s critical to completely know your starting point. Where are you? We dive in to understand qualitative (culture, history, context, influence) and quantitative (giving data, leadership input) factors. Your church is unique; so is the journey set before you.

PHASE 2 – Collaborate

  • With your leadership team, we filter best practices and guiding principles through the discoveries of the assessment process. We actually customize the process with you to create a pathway for success. Most capital campaign firms (whether they put an actual notebook in front of you or not) run your church through the same program. Simply put: we don’t.

PHASE 3 – Equip

  • The Mission Support team consists of current and former pastors. That means something. We understand what it feels like to carry the mantle for your entire congregation. You will walk into every meeting and conversation with confidence because you are prepared. We will save you time and energy by equipping your team effectively and efficiently.


Many capital campaign advisors use a two fund strategy between your general budget and a special project, which inevitably leads to double communication, giving confusion and handcuffing designated funds. Our one fund strategy keeps things simple while helping your church understand your operations are a part of ministry and creating increases in generosity that will last long after the campaign is over!

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