Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the prayerful and deliberate process of transforming a God-inspired vision into a tangible roadmap. This involves setting key objectives, outlining actionable steps, and determining the necessary resources. Strategic planning is a critical bridge between your vision and your daily actions. Strategic planning keeps you on track and on pace by consistently assessing your progress toward realizing that vision.

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To understand and assess where you are

To evaluate where you’re heading

We will create a custom plan of how you will arrive

Ongoing coaching to keep tracking progress

The What

Strategic planning isn’t just creating a plan, it’s about developing the tools to equip others around you to fulfill a plan utilizing all available resources! Strategic planning is a team event that will unify leadership around a focused plan and create dividends that will pay off year after year!

The Process


  • Preliminary consult interviews with 3-5 key team members or stakeholders
  • Scheduling and initial administration
  • Private project management training with Asana


  • Two (2) day on-site work with team
  • Full Strategic Plan
  • Custom plan of action with goals and key objectives


  • Access to private project management and training
  • Built-in follow up team coaching at sixty (60), ninety (90), and one hundred twenty (120) days
  • 1:1 semi-monthly coaching for leadership for six (6) months

The Roles

Our role is to serve you as a strategic facilitator. We become a true partner and asset to your team, not just someone dispensing information.

Throughout strategic planning, our strategists will function as the process — you and your team provide the content — and together we will reach breakthrough and growth!

We have significant and progressive experience in leadership development across sectors and in various industries.

We pride ourselves on delivering only the best results for our clients so they see an increase in productivity and performance for their business.

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