Welcome to the newest addition to Mission Support: Practical Church! We’re thrilled to announce that Practical Church, a by-weekly podcast and newsletter dedicated to providing practical solutions for the everyday challenges faced by churches and pastors, is now part of our organization. At Mission Support, we’re committed to empowering pastors and church leaders to spend more time on what they’re passionate about by offering valuable resources and support. With Practical Church, we aim to equip you with the tools and insights you need to overcome obstacles, streamline operations, and stay focused on your mission.

What to Expect

Actionable Insights


Relevant Topics

Community Engagement

Resource Recommendations

Ongoing Support

OUr Newsletter

Our Practical Church newsletter is your go-to resource for staying updated on the latest trends, best practices, and actionable tips in the world of church leadership. Delivered straight to your inbox every other week, our newsletter covers a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, community engagement, volunteer management, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned pastor or a new church leader, you’ll find practical advice and inspiration to help you navigate the challenges of ministry with confidence and clarity.


Tune in to the Practical Church podcast for in-depth conversations with industry experts, thought leaders, and fellow pastors on topics that matter most to you. Every other week, we explore real-life challenges and share practical insights to help you lead with excellence and impact. From effective communication strategies to innovative ministry models, our podcast is your trusted companion for continuous learning and growth in your leadership journey.

OUr Facebook Group

In addition to our newsletter and podcast, we invite you to join our vibrant Facebook group, where you can connect with a community of pastors and church leaders who share your passion for ministry. Our Facebook group serves as a supportive and collaborative space where you can interact with others, ask questions, share insights, and seek advice from peers who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of church leadership. Whether you’re looking for encouragement, brainstorming ideas, or seeking practical solutions to specific issues, our Facebook community is here to offer support and solidarity on your journey. Join us today and be part of a thriving community committed to empowering each other to lead with purpose and impact. 

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Practical Church Podcast Questions

Have some thoughts or questions you'd like for us to consider answering on the Practical Church Podcast? Let us know below and it might make it in an episode or get answered on our Facebook Group!

Church Planter’s Guide to


A Comprehensive Handbook

In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence is essential for reaching and engaging with your community effectively. Our comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices for leveraging social media platforms to promote your church plant, connect with new audiences, and cultivate meaningful relationships online. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your existing social media strategy, this guide is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to make a lasting impact in the digital space. Download your free copy today and take the first step toward maximizing your church plant’s outreach and engagement through social media.

FREE Download

"Church Planter's Guide to Social Media" 

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