Church Plants

We are passionate about church planting and have helped dozens of church plants like yours get off the ground. We can provide the unique and comprehensive support you need to turn your church plant dream into reality.

Our Services

During the church planting journey you will do so many things for the first time. We can help prevent you from wasting time and repeating common church planting mistakes. Our Comprehensive Church Plant Support Plan helps you:


Pick a Domain Name

 Clarify Your Branding

 Create stunning logos

 Design Your Website

 Create an “About” Video

 Create Promotional Material

 Open a Bank Account

 Set up Bookkeeping

Set up Payroll/Housing Allowance

Create Marketing Plan

Identity AVL Needs

Design First Series Graphics

Design First Series Promo Video

Pre-Launch Coaching

Launch Day Photography/Video

“Pastoring & Church-Planting requires a lot. I’m thankful Mission Support cares about helping Pastors like myself in ways that relieve the burden. I’ve been thankful for their intentionality and genuineness as they’ve come alongside our ministry.”

Steven Madsen

Lead Pastor, Triangle Fellowship Church

Let’s Get Started Together

Why waste valuable time getting your church plant support from a million different places? Save time and money by getting all your support needs in one place. We know how to deliver the great quality you need on a church plant budget! We care about and understand your church planting needs.

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"The Nightmares of a Volunteer Bookkeeper" 

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"Church Planter's Guide to Social Media" 

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